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Our Venue Partnership Program Details

By enrolling as a Backstage Solutions Venue Partner, you gain access to seamless event management and stress-free bookings—all at no cost to you! There’s no cost to partner with us—just a preferred partner rate that allows us to build your venue into our package pricing.


Marketing & Exposure – Your venue will be featured on our website’s venue listing, highlighting key features, unique amenities, and what makes your space stand out. We’ll also actively collaborate on social media to boost engagement. By promoting your venue as part of our all-inclusive packages, we help drive more bookings your way.

Venue Tours, Bookings & Client Contracts – We handle all client tours and take care of the booking process. You won’t have to interact with our clients or chase down leads—only confirm availability when we bring you a ready-to-book customer. This means less hassle, more consistency, and a higher conversion rate for your venue.

Payments & Upsells – We collect all deposits and payments and remit your fees directly—no percentages, no commission cuts. While your base venue rate remains fixed, we actively upsell additional services, including extra event hours, large guest counts, after-hours bookings, and other venue-specific upgrades, ensuring more revenue for you when applicable.

Damage Deposits & Venue Policies – For every event, we secure and hold a damage deposit for the venue’s protection. If damages occur, the deposit will be applied to necessary repairs. All clients must follow our strict venue and general business policies—even if they go beyond your own—to ensure smooth, hassle-free events. (See at bottom of this page)

Full Event Staffing & Venue Management – Our experienced event team handles security, hospitality, and venue management from start to finish of every event, ensuring your space remains clean, secure, and properly locked up afterward. No need for a venue rep onsite—we’ve got it covered.

Post-Event Cleaning & Reset – Our team restores the space after each event, including minor resets as requested (such as breaking down a set number of tables and chairs). We leave your venue clean and event-ready for the next booking.


Preferred Partner Rate – Offer a negotiated venue rate that allows us to sell your venue in our packages at competitive pricing. This rate must be consistent so we can confidently market and sell event packages for future dates, with the only confirmation needed being your availability.

Standard Event & Setup Time – Our standard events include 4 hours of actual event time, plus 4 hours for setup and 1 hour for cleanup. Even if your standard "venue only" rate provides more time, we will charge the client for additional time beyond the 4 hours and pass that fee on to you.

Inclusive Use of Venue Inventory – If your venue has tables, chairs, or luxury furniture (i.e. thrones) in its existing inventory, we will include these in our event packages at no additional charge. By highlighting these features in our advertising, we increase the appeal of your venue to potential clients.

Event-Ready Condition – Ensure the venue is clean and event-ready for scheduled events, with no unexpected conditions that may delay setup.

Unrestricted Tour Access – Provide unrestricted access (key, codes, etc.) for our managers to conduct venue tours. Of course, we’ll provide notifications—but this eliminates unnecessary back-and-forth coordination, ensuring we can close deals efficiently without losing momentum.

Prompt Responses – Respond within 24 hours to date inquiries, tour notifications, or special add-on service requests. Keeping us updated on your venue’s availability ensures we can book and confirm events without delay.

This partnership is designed to maximize bookings for your venue while eliminating the workload on your end. If you're ready to enroll, simply complete the venue details below, and we’ll get started!

Agreement & Partnership Terms

By enrolling as a Backstage Solutions Venue Partner, you agree to uphold the commitments outlined in this partnership. This includes honoring the preferred partner rate, maintaining a consistent pricing structure, and ensuring availability once a booking is confirmed.

To protect both parties and ensure a seamless experience for our clients:

  • Once a date is confirmed and booked through Backstage Solutions, the venue agrees not to cancel, reschedule, or alter the terms of the booking unless due to circumstances beyond reasonable control (such as force majeure events).

  • Any venue-initiated cancellations may result in financial liability, including covering costs incurred by Backstage Solutions or providing an equivalent alternative venue for the client.

  • Venue partners must maintain a professional and cooperative relationship with all Backstage Solutions clients, refraining from direct negotiations or separate agreements that conflict with the terms of this partnership.

  • Any disputes or concerns should be communicated directly to Backstage Solutions for resolution, ensuring a unified and professional client experience.

By submitting your enrollment details, you acknowledge and agree to all of the terms herein as part of our partnership agreement.

Venue Manager / Representative

Venue Location & Contact

Venue Details

Booking Information

Does your "venue only" rate include tables & chairs?

The following will help us categorize your venue into one of our standard venue levels (Bronze through Platinum). Keep in mind that the more value we can place on your venue selection, the more bookings you will receive.

Please select a preferred discounted "venue only" rate that we will pay for a 4 hour event with 4 hours to set up and 1 hour to breakdown and clean. (Must be less than your listed market rate.)



Unless otherwise listed with an “additional service fee” the following “General Business Policies” will apply to all bookings:

  1. Items and services are for a maximum event duration of 4 (four) hours.

  2. Items and services are for a maximum headcount of 100 (one hundred) people.

  3. All events will have a “Start Time” and “End Time” for the use of items, services, and venue.

    • The “Start Time” is the time event activities may commence, and guests will be permitted to enter the venue with “Host” access 30 (thirty) minutes prior for personal preparation. The scheduled “Start Time” of the event’s duration will NOT be modified due to the late arrival/tardiness, of “Host” or their guests.

    • The “End Time” is the time guests are required to exit the venue and “Host” is granted an additional 15 (fifteen) minutes to retrieve personal belongings. All activities (i.e., playing of music, vendor services) MUST cease 15 (fifteen) minutes prior to “End Time” in preparation of exiting.  “Host”, guests, and any third-party vendors MUST completely vacate the venue within 15 (fifteen) minutes of the scheduled “End Time” ("Grace Period"); and Failure to vacate the venue by the “Grace Period”, will result in "Extended Use Charges" to “Host”.

  4. All set-up, serving, and breakdown of “hot” food items MUST be handled by a professional or other individuals (no guests) attending the event for the sole purpose of providing said services with appropriate dress and grooming (i.e., flat rubber shoes, gloves, hair secured).

  5. “Host”, guests, and third-party vendors are NOT permitted to enter private venue areas or “Planner’s” work areas.

  6. Trash dumping MUST BE limited to reasonable event trash (i.e., restrooms, food, beverages). Boxes, pans, or other bulky items MUST leave the venue with the individual in which they came.

  7. At no time is “Host” permitted to sub-contract the "Premises” to any third party to include but not limited to the transfer of reservation.



The following restrictions to all venues booked through Backstage Solutions, LLC.

  1. Activities in or on the property of venue will NOT include any illegal activity;

    • Illegal activity includes, but is not limited to, the presence of unauthorized alcoholic beverages, the distribution of alcoholic beverages to minors, and the use and/or distribution of any other drug/illegal substances.

  2. Unauthorized use of venue spaces, equipment, and supplies is strictly prohibited;

    • No persons shall enter, or cause interference with the use of, other portions of the venue not included in reservation, shall enter private areas of the venue to include, but not limited to, office area, kitchen or other work areas, storage areas, and cabinets. And no person shall utilize supplies or other items belonging to the venue to include, but not limited to food, beverage, or office supplies;

    • No person shall turn off, adjust, or in any other way tamper with any equipment belonging to the venue to include, but not limited to thermostats;

    • At no time shall a venue’s sound system equipment be used by any professional disc jockey or connected to any enhancement amplifiers, sound boards, or other equipment notwithstanding mp3 players, tablets, phones, laptops, or other similar playing devices. No person shall remove any fixture, furniture, or equipment from the venue; or lean on, attach items to, move, or otherwise touch mirrors, draperies, air walls (room dividers) or other venue fixtures;

  3. Use of items that may cause injury, damage, or excessive cleaning is not permitted;

    • Glass drinkware, bottles, or similar functional glass items are strictly prohibited in ballrooms with hard floors (i.e., tile, wood).

    • Chaffing dishes, beverage dispensers, coolers, or other large amounts of liquid are strictly prohibited in areas with wood or other non-waterproof flooring without staff monitoring.

    • Use of any kind of tape, adhesive, floor wraps, or penetrating materials on walls, floors, or ceiling is not authorized.

    • Use of confetti, balloons with confetti, glitter, cannons, helium balloons, powders, small beads, silly string, live flower petals, or similar is not permitted.

  4. Standard public building safety and practices shall be followed at all times;

    • No items may obstruct any emergency exits, fire extinguishers, doorways, security cameras.

    • Indoor smoking/vaping, the use of smoke machines, hookah, cold sparklers, open flames, or similar are strictly prohibited.

    • Minor children MUST be supervised at all times and may NOT be left unattended in lobby or patio areas or be allowed to run throughout the venue. Small children MUST have adult assistance with service of food and beverage items.

    • All guests must behave in a manner that is appropriate for the event, respectful to venue, and safe and responsible for all in attendance;

    • Guests shall not participate in behavior that may cause damage to the venue or injury to others, enter the building with outside personal food or beverage items, MAY NOT loiter in parking lots, street, or neighboring.

  5. “Host” must agree to follow, comply, AND enforce the additional policies and procedures set forth for events intended for minor children where 50% (fifty percent) or more of the total guest count are minors.

    • “Host” MUST provide, or hire through “Planner”, a minimum of 5 (five) legitimate and appropriate adult chaperones during event with more to be required by depending on total minor guest headcount. Chaperones MUST be attending the event specifically for the purpose of providing supervision and MUST be at their assigned "post" (at each entrance/exit, main ballroom, lobby area, and parking lot) prior to doors opening for guests, and remain posted until all guests have vacated the venue at all times unless relieved by another chaperone or similar. Chaperones MUST enforce all policies at all times and report any violations or uncooperative guests to Security to be removed from the premises.

    • Entry is limited ONLY to guests invited by “Host” which shall be included in the headcount “Planner” has on file and Guests MUST provide a copy of their PERSONALIZED invitation/RSVP to gain entry. Open invites through the use of flyers, Instagram, or other social media/website invites will NOT be accepted.

    • Guests are to remain in the designated party area (Ballroom) at all times and are subject to a “no re-entry policy” and can NOT leave the venue until appropriately picked up by a VERIFIED parent, guardian, or other adult. Loitering in the lobby areas is NOT permitted and is to be used as a passthrough only. Minors may utilize the venue’s outdoor entry area for the purpose of phone use (or similar), but a chaperone MUST be present while minors are outside with no more than 3 (three) minor children outside at a time, for no more than 15 (fifteen) minutes, there must be a legitimate purpose for minors to be outside (calling parents, etc.) and usage of the area must not be excessive or repetitive.

    •  All minors MUST follow a semi-formal, appropriate, and conservative dress code to enter the building. Guests will NOT be permitted access with saggy pants, tank tops/t-shirts, ball-caps or other headgear, hoodies, vulgar or other sexually exploiting garments, and back packs or other large bags without consenting to a search.

    • Canned or other pre-packaged/sealed containers are the ONLY beverages permitted to be served during the event (no open cups);

    • Restroom use is limited to one person at a time;

    • To prevent costly damage and/or severe injury, guests are not permitted to run in venue or engage in “horseplay”.

    • Any guests that become unruly, disrespectful to chaperones and/or Venue staff, or engage in ANY form of verbal or physical violence will be asked to vacate the entire venue property and refusal of guests to vacate the premises in a timely manner will result in Venue Security Trespassing said individual(s). This will require calling the local authorities and may result in the total loss of Host’s Damage Deposit.

  6. “Host” must agree that additional restrictions may apply to specific third-party venues and these restrictions will be added to an “Addendum” for “Host’s” reference.



“Host” can request to change the date of the event and the “Booking Deposit” may be applied to a different date under the following conditions:

  1. A new event date can only be honored upon availability of “Planner”, listed items and services, vendors, staff, AND venue with written request NO LATER than 90 (ninety) days prior to original event date;

  2. “Host” MUST pay an additional fee (“Booking Transfer Fee”) to confirm and reserve the new date and the Booking Deposit may only be transferred once; and

  3. Failure of “Host” to follow the guidelines outlined herein will result in the denial of any changes or modifications to the original agreement and will forfeit any ability to transfer the "Booking Deposit" to a different date.

  4. “Planner” does NOT guarantee the ability to honor any request for changes after the agreement is finalized with a “Booking Deposit”.

  5. If “Planner” does not have availability of the listed items and/or services for the requested increase or date change, “Host” must either follow the original agreement or cancel the event and forfeit the ability to transfer the “Booking Deposit”.



“Planner” may have to make changes to all, or any part, of the services contained herein or outlined on any "Addendum" for reason of Force Majeure (unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond any party's control), the consequences of which neither “Planner” nor "Vendors" can avoid. In these circumstances, “Planner” will endeavor to reschedule all booked services to a new agreed upon date and/or location (subject to "Planner’s" availability), with no "Booking Transfer Fee" required by "Host". Such events and circumstances may include, but are not limited to the following:

Acts of God, actual or threatened war, insurrection, riots, strikes, civil action, decisions by governments or governing authority, technical or maintenance problems with transport, changes of schedules or operational decisions of air carriers, terrorist activity or the threat thereof, industrial action, natural or nuclear activity, epidemic, pandemic, illness, shutting down of county or state as ordered by local or state officials, physical injury, quarantine, medical or customs or immigration regulation, delay, or cancellation, adverse weather conditions, fire and all similar events outside "Venue's" control.     



  1.  “Host” may cancel this Agreement at any time up to ninety (90) days prior to the Event Date by providing written notice of such election to “Planner”, at no additional cost to “Host” notwithstanding the “Booking Deposit” and any non-reimbursable expenses incurred by “Planner”.

    • “Host” MUST provide “Planner” a written notice to cancel; and

    • Failure of “Host” to include any intent to transfer the “Booking Deposit” in the initial cancellation request will forfeit any claim to "Booking Deposit" or the transfer of said deposit at a later date.

  2. If “Host” shall elect to so cancel this agreement less than ninety (90) days prior to the Event Date, “Host” maintains full financial responsibility for one hundred percent (100%) of ALL outstanding “Fees & Deposits” included in the “Total Package” amount.

  3. A full, or partial, cancellation by “Host” of all, or any, services listed on "Addendum", at any time forfeits “Planner’s” obligation to honor any portion of this Agreement to include all applied discounts, packages, combos, and bulk rates included in the "Total Package". Therefore, all items and services to be provided by “Planner” will be charged individually at full market value and any monies paid unto “Planner” will NOT be refundable until they have been applied to the full new "Total Package" amount due after all discounts are removed.



By signing this Agreement, “Host” hereby releases consent for “Planner”, its contractors, staff, and any third parties involved to take and publish photographs taken at the event for use in “Planner” and associated vendor publications, including those that are printed, published online, or created in video form. Additionally, “Host” hereby releases and holds harmless all parties from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the photos or videos taken and published. “Host” further releases “Planner”, its contractors, staff, and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of marketing materials from liability for any claims by you or any third party in connection with your event.



Please note that specific venues MAY HAVE 24-hour indoor and/or outdoor video AND/OR audio surveillance and recording. “Planner” WILL use this service for gathering evidence of room and time usage, venue or “Planner” violations, details of any incident, and/or settling any disputes of services actually provided and quality control. “Planner” will provide "Host" with any available downloaded footage AND copies of all written agreements between the parties to assist in any conflict resolutions. Therefore, “Planner” will NOT engage in verbal disputes with "Host" OR guests during or upon the conclusion of event. Any persistent attempts of “Host” and/or guests to engage in verbal disputes with “Planner” or “Planner’s” contractors, will be considered an act of creating a hostile work environment and an immediate violation of this agreement forfeiting any and ALL available “Damage Deposit”.

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